Representatives from the Spain Tourism Board came to Sheridan College on last week to present the students of the Tourism and Travel program with Spain Specialist Certificates.
The Spain Specialist Program, which is a part of the course Selling Destinations Europe, was incorporated into the program about four years ago, according to Bob McElman, program coordinator.

To pass the Spain Specialist Program, students had to score a minimum of 70 per cent on a multiple-choice test they were given 45 minutes to write.
Booklets were handed out to each student to review over reading week in preparation for the test.
“The majority of [the booklet] was the general area of the attractions, the different art museums you can go to and the culture,” said Derek Stewart. “They talked about the islands as well. It talks about Spain, the culture and the different events that are happening every year.”
Forty-three students received their certificates, which represents 80 per cent of the students, from Jose Manuel de Juan, consul in charge of tourism affairs, while students also received a gift bag from Sara Sanchez, public relations executive. The gift bag included a black sweater with the Embassy of Spain Tourism Section logo.
“It feels nice because it’s another achievement you have,” said student Anne Aragla about receiving her certificate.
“It feels great. It really does. I want this certificate and it looks good on your profile too or to your resume, so it works well,” said Stewart.
In conclusion to the ceremony, Manuel de Juan thanked the students for their participation in the specialist program.
“I hope that you got curious about Spain, that you may find time in the future to visit Spain. In the mean time I hope you enjoyed what you learned about Spain and in the future you will find that it’s been useful for you and for your job,” said Manuel de Juan.
Manuel de Juan’s hopes are already a reality.
“I’ve never been to Spain,” said Stewart. “I’ve been to Austria and England, Greece and Turkey but after doing this exam it’s like ‘I want to go to Spain now because it’s so interesting.’”
Student Renee Dye, who passed away on Friday, Nov. 22, also completed the Spain Specialist Program. Her certificate, along with a book of remembrance, was presented to her father at her funeral services last Saturday.