Halton’s POSSE Project is taking part in Trick or Eat this evening.
The nationwide campaign raises money and collects food items for local food banks across North America. The program is usually done through universities, but the POSSE (Peer Outreach Support Services and Education) Project has organized a collection this year. Members will be going door-to-door collecting non-perishable food items to send to Halton food banks.
“There are only two adults involved in the program, myself and Program Coordinator, Kelsey Harford. We provide core outreach programs to the young Halton community to train them in becoming peer outreach workers,” Coll-Smith.
The POSSE Project is a free service that provides training, street level outreach, information and support to encourage safer decision making in reducing the risks associated with drug use, sex, homelessness, violence and discrimination.
“There are only two adults involved in the program, myself and Program Coordinator, Kelsey Harford. We provide core outreach programs to the young Halton community to train them in becoming peer outreach workers,” said Angus Coll-Smith, POSSE’s Program Manger and Youth Worker.
POSSE’s logo “Just Say Know” is a reflection of the project’s message that knowledge is power. “Know what you’re putting in your body. Know what the possible effects are. Know how to be a little bit safer, and minimize your risks if you do chose to say yes to drugs, or sex, or whatever,” said Coll-Smith.
POSSE is also an outlet for young people aged of 15-24 that are in need of support. There are locations throughout Halton, with one located on Bronte Road.
“Our goal is to provide young people with information on harm reducing supplies and a safe place to feel secure. We want them to feel like they are a part of the community. Many times, young people will come in for help and to have a safe place to be, and once they see how helpful the program is, they want to take part in helping other youths. This is either done through street outreach or simply volunteering at POSSE Project,” said Coll-Smith.
Team POSSE-tive Change will be going door-to-door in the Halton area collecting non-perishable goods that will then be sent to local food banks.
“I made contact with the local grocery stores in order to get permission to borrow their shopping carts to use while we trick-or-eat. And I have contacted news sources to let them know about this amazing event. We are going to deliver flyers to the houses that we will be visiting tomorrow, so that these residents are aware of what trick or eat is, and that we will be coming around on Oct. 31,” said Program Coordinator Kelsey Harford. “I hope to get as many food donations for the Acton Food Share as possible and have fun while we are doing it.”
If you are interested in taking part in Trick or Eat, contact Angus Coll-Smith at posseproject@yahoo.com.