It’s getting to that time of year again, when the winds blow cold and jackets get heavy, so why not keep your face warm with a moustache? It is Movember after all.
Sheridan’s Student Union kicked off Movember with Tuesday’s hot dog eating contest, aiming to beat its 2012 record of $4,865.79, with all proceeds going to Movember Canada.
“There’s a hotdog eating contest. I’m planning a cookies and milk, board games as well and all the pub nights,” said Andrea Hodgins, an awareness coordinator for the SU.
“Everything is aimed toward Movember and there’s lots of prizes to be won including money to be raised toward the Movember groups.”
To take part in the SU’s events, students are required to sign up in teams for a chance to win prizes.
The top three money-raising teams earn a special prize. “You can win a trip from TNT Tours through the Sheridan Student Union,” said Hodgins.
The month of the moustache got its start in Melbourne, Australia, in 2003, according to the “Mo History” page, on Movember Canada’s website.
Started by Travis Garone and Luke Slattery, Movember was inspired by a friend’s mother who was fundraising for breast cancer.
Today, Movember has become a global success in promoting awareness and raising money for men’s physical and mental health.
In 2012, 1.1 million men and women participating in the month-long event raised $146.6 million globally, according to Michael Braiden, a Mo Bro involved in partnerships and business development with Movember Canada.

All the money raised by the organization goes to charities focused on men’s health.
“Funding right now is focused on particular issues but it’s really about changing the face of men’s health in general, so that starts with getting active,” said Braiden.
Although the focus of Movember is men’s health, women are not excluded from the activities and are encouraged to join in.
Women are given the moniker of “Mo Sistas” and are helped by organizing teams and events to raise money or simply talking with people about men’s health.
“Women’s health movements are 15-plus years ahead of the men’s because women are good at talking about that sort of thing,” said Braiden. “Men shy away from those kinds of conversations, so (women) can have a really positive effect.”
Aside from awareness events, celebrations also occur.
“We host our end-of-the-month gala party in Toronto at Kool Haus, so I definitely encourage everybody to come out to that,” said Braiden.
Despite the SU’s high expectations, some students aren’t aware of Sheridan’s Movember events.
“I haven’t heard anything from the school about it,” said Rob Moore, 22, a first-year student in the Media Arts program. “As far as I know, it’s about prostate cancer research.”