The Halton Diabetes Program took readings of students’ blood in the B wing and educated them on diabetes last Thursday.
Diabetics cannot produce insulin to stabilize their blood sugar levels. There are two categories of diabetes: type 1and type 2.
“Type 1 usually hits a person much younger in life, children and teenagers,” said Sally Reid, a registered nurse with the Halton Diabetes Program. “What happens is the pancreas stops producing insulin. These people need insulin by injection for the rest of their lives
“Many people with type 2 diabetes have relatives with diabetes. With type 2, there’s less insulin reproduction and there’s insulin resistance.”
Poor blood sugar control can lead to complications like cardiovascular disease, stroke and kidney diseases, Reid said.
A diabetic’s diet is restrictive and can affect their quality of life.

“It takes a lot of work to manage diabetes. The person with diabetes has to be aware of what they eat, how much they eat and when to eat. Exercise also helps with lower blood sugars,” said dietitian Dianne Moore.
Many diabetics inject themselves with insulin daily but for some people with type 1 diabetes, and insulin pump is a viable option.
Shelley Evans, territory manager at Medtronic Canada, a major supplier of wearable insulin pumps, said, “We have to have insulin in the body 24 hours a day to keep our blood sugars stable. As soon as we introduce food, the blood sugars rise
“Someone who has type one diabetes would be a candidate for a pump.”

Low blood sugar can be a huge risk and symptoms of include: dizziness, shakiness, headaches, extreme hunger, and a lack of concentration. Severe low blood sugar could cause a person to pass out, said Reid.

To counteract low blood sugar, patients can take dextrose tablets (large sugar pills) or something as simple as jellybeans.
“The sugar tablets are the No. 1 choice, as well as orange juice,” said Reid. “You’d need three-quarters to a cup of juice. Pop would work as well, be it Pepsi, Coke, ginger ale but not diet,” said Reid.