Sheridan’s Social Justice Club will be hosting the first Take Back the Forest Walk on Nov. 21 in response to a rash of sexual assaults in the area this year.
The walk will take place in the forests surrounding Sheridan College from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. The walk will begin and end in J Wing with cupcakes and hot chocolate for participants who finish.
The event was created after three assaults were reported on campus.
“This walk is to make a statement and anyone can show their support for equal rights.”
“Sheridan students are not okay with sexual assault and we care enough to take action,” said Social Justice Club member Emily Lukasik. “We’re walking to make a statement that everyone should have the right to do so, a right that has been taken away by recent assaults.”
On the date of the walk the Social Justice Club will have a booth in B Wing from 11 a.m to 1 p.m to raise awareness for the walk while giving out some baked goods.
The Take Back the Forest Walk’s Facebook page stresses that “a girl should have the right to enjoy a walk through nature or take a shortcut without fear.”
The Social Justice Club is encouraging men to attend the walk as well.
“I think this walk is just as important for males,” said Lukasik. “This walk is to make a statement and anyone can show their support for equal rights.”
Pink ribbons will be hung along the planned path and safety measures are being taken. “We’re letting security know our planned route and meeting locations,” said Lukasik. ” We would love to have a couple security guards join us.”
The recent assaults have students discussing the college’s role in protecting its students.
“I think the school should take more action to make the paths better, regardless of the issue,” said Social Justice Club co-president Leslie Pulsifer. “Enough students use the paths that their maintenance should be a primary concern.”
A few of the club’s ideas for a safer path from students include new paved walk ways, better lighting and security cameras.
The McCraney Valley trail is owned by the Town of Oakville and is one of the city’s most central trails. This is where most of the assaults took place.
“If the town is not doing anything to make the paths safer and it is Sheridan’s students who are being assaulted, the school should take safety into their own hands,” said Sheridan student Ethan Bender.

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