Sheridan’s Police Foundation students Run to Remember




The National Peace Officers’ Memorial marked the 10th annual anniversary of the Run to Remember campaign on Sept. 26, showcasing an example of the unique bond officers have with one another, says one of the founding members.

“The run is intended to raise awareness for those that have lost their lives in the line of duty,” said Tanya Philp, a professor at Sheridan College.

Run to Remember aims to focus attention on the annual Police and Peace Officers’ Memorial Service.

“This year was the 37th year for the annual Canadian Police and Peace Officers Memorial ceremony on Parliament Hill,” said Randy Patrick, Staff Superintendent at the Peel Regional Police and the founder of Run to Remember. “We invited anyone to join us for any portion of the run, including our kick off in Toronto and our final leg to Ottawa. We have been joined at the kick off for the last few years by Police Foundation students from Sheridan College and other colleges in the area.”

The ceremony is held the last Sunday of September every year and thousands of police officers gather and march to Parliament Hill for a ceremony that honours and recognizes peace officers who have been killed in the line of duty, Patrick added.

The total distance of the run is 460 km from Toronto to Ottawa. Approximately 45 Sheridan Police Foundations students accompanied several police officers in the first 5 km.

“I think it is important for our students to experience this event and witness the evident camaraderie among police officers,” said Philp.

“In September of 2005, myself and 23 other police officers from the Peel Regional Police ran the 460 km, relay style, over the course of three days leading up to the Memorial Service,” said Patrick. “Since that time the number of runners has steadily increased to a point where this past year we had over 300 peace officers cover the three-day relay along with some of the widows, children, brothers, sisters, family and friends of those officers killed in the line of duty.”

Funds are also raised by the runners through the sale of T-shirts and by collecting donations to be directed toward trust funds were established in memory of fallen officers across the country.

“Over the last 10 years the organization has donated just over $158,000 to the various trust funds,” said Patrick.

The journey from the Queen’s Park Police Memorial to Parliament Hill has grown to include cyclists, added Philp.

“This year’s run was one of the biggest and most successful due to the large number of participants and the amount of media attention we generated,” said Patrick. “All for the of raising awareness of the Memorial Service in Ottawa. All of the runners march in uniform at the ceremony the day after the run ends.”



Participating runners leaving Toronto.


Participating runners leaving Toronto.


Arrival on Parliament Hill being led by children of officers killed in the line of duty.