Sheridan students who cruised Lake Ontario until 2 a.m. on Sept. 9 still managed to make it to early classes the next day.
As part of the #FROSHONFLEEK series of first-week events put on by the Sheridan Student Union, a River Gambler boat cruise titled Ship Just Got Real carried students from all Sheridan campuses.
From 10 p.m. until 2 a.m., the estimated 400 students in attendance experienced a dance party featuring DJ Vibe on the upper-level Skyline Deck, and the lower-level Silver Lounge seating area where food and drinks were available.
Boat cruises are a luxury activity students cannot typically afford, but for only $20 per ticket, some students got to experience one for the first time.
“I’ve never been on [a cruise] before so I’m really excited to see what this is like,” said Emily Hall, 18, a Bachelor of Photography student, as she waited for the boat to set sail.
“I think a cruise as a school activity seems cool,” said Hall. “I’d like to see more events like this.”
A change from the typical SSUI event taking place on campus, the idea of a late-night boat cruise around the Toronto Harbour proved to be a successful attempt at something new.
“It was exciting because it was different from the usual school events,” said Giselle Glover, 20, an Educational Support student.
The 3 a.m. arrival of the buses back to each campus didn’t stop Glover and other students with early morning classes or other responsibilities from having a good time.
“I had to go to work in a few hours [after returning home], but luckily I slept in a bit,” said Glover. “It was worth it.”
The multi-campus concept of the event was seen as a way of bringing students together rather than separating communities.
“I really liked how all campuses were involved because it meant there were more people who could enjoy it,” said Rachel Gray, 17, a first-year Child and Youth Care student.
Though the night on the lake was somewhat chilly, students found ways to warm up while moving on the dance floor, and socializing inside the Silver Lounge.
Clear skies provided attendees with a lit-up view of the CN Tower and surrounding buildings all night long on the Skyline Deck.
Official photos from the event can be found on SSUI’s Facebook page.