Tag: fox
Zootopia’s a place where anyone can be anything
BY RACHEL LEE-THOMAS In a place where anyone can be anything, Zootopia presents a world in which prey and predator live as one. Released March 4, Disney’s anthropomorphic characters are charming, relatable, and believable. One of the interesting underlining themes of the film is the unsteady relationship that exists between animals of predator vs.…
Terry Fox’s legacy lives on
INFOGRAPHIC BY OSCAR IMMEL The infographic and links below provide insight on the life of Terry Fox and his accomplishments. Be sure to check out the news on the upcoming Terry Fox Run near you: http://sunarchives.sheridanc.on.ca/this-years-terry-fox-run-holds-special-meaning-for-sheridan/ More news: http://sheridanartsblog.com/2013/09/05/support-the-sheridan-team-in-oakvilles-terry-fox-run-then-see-the-musical/ Visit the Terry Fox Foundation website for more information: http://www.terryfox.org/ Watch a documentary on the life and influence of…