Tag: Technology
Retrofit: Music to my ears
BY OSCAR IMMEL AND ANTHONY MUCCILLI Music has long been a part of human creativity, and with advances in technology, the landscape of what is possible has changed. Follow along as we explore the how and why certain trends have occurred and what that means for the music community. VISIT retrofitmusic.thesheridansun.ca
LIVE EVENT: Fort McMoney App Launch
LIVE COVERAGE BY DEVON GENERAL On Friday, Nov. 22, the National Film Board of Canada will host a live demonstration of Fort McMoney, a new app created by David Dufresne that allows users to take control of Fort McMurray, Alberta. They will be tasked with making decisions on economic, political, environmental and social issues for…
STORY BY MICHELLE WHITTEMORE Every year, 20-50 million tonnes of electronics are thrown away globally, and the amount of electronic waste is growing by 5 per cent annually. Since 2001, Apple has released 24 generations of the iPod and seven versions of the iPhone since 2007. But Apple products aren’t the only ones being released with…