The Child and Youth Work (CYW) program at Sheridan College is promoting October as Child Abuse Prevention Month by wearing purple and raising money for the community’s Children Aid Society (CAS).

CAS donated ribbons and pins, which were on sale for $1 and bracelets, which sold for $2. Students of the CYW program brought in baked goods, including Rice Krispie squares and cupcakes, also for sale.
Altogether students raised $484 at Trafalgar Campus for Halton CAS and $722 at Davis Campus for Peel CAS.
“It all begins with a quarter,” said Theresa Fraser, a professor in the CYW program.
“It’s a great thing to do – great thing to raise money for kids who need help,” said Cynthia Morrison, a first-year CYW student. “Everything makes a difference.”
Listen to Wendy’s story.
As part of the curriculum, students learn about the different types of abuse and neglect in addition to CAS services and the duty to report. Everyone, not just Child and Youth Workers, have an ongoing, legal obligation to contact their local CAS office if they suspect a child is in need of protection.
Last year there were 165,673 referrals about possible abuse and neglect of children and youth were received by Children’s Aid and 47,925 families received ongoing protection services from a Children’s Aid after an investigation.
Almost half (47 per cent) of Ontarians know someone who was exposed to or is the victim of child abuse or neglect.
“Neglect is more damaging than if you beat a child,” said Robyn Connolly, executive support and communications at Halton CAS.

Find out about Nick’s story.
This fundraiser is about “promoting child and youth rights and addressing important issues that affect children and promoting change,” said Melanie Harris, a CYW student.
In over 90 per cent of cases where CAS must get involved, work is done with the family and the child is able to stay at home. Reports show more than 75 per cent of families served by Halton Children’s Aid were satisfied with the services and supports they received.
“They’re not getting marked for it but they’re still volunteering because they believe in the cause,” said Fraser. “Our program is all about relationship building. [The students] know they’re making a difference and they’re already making connections.”
Be inspired by Chantell’s story.