Student Union offers jobs for students
Students who need a job with time flexibility so they can do schoolwork don’t need to look far from campus.
The Student Union offers part-time jobs for students looking to work on campus, as well as looking to add work experience to their resume and portfolios.
“We hire graphic design students to work on our events posters,” said Student Union President Jenna Pulver.
“This way they can add some graphic design work to their portfolio.”
Pulver says there are 250 part-time jobs available between the three campuses, including food services, bar-tending, security and event teams. Many of these jobs are time flexible.
“Many of our events happen at night, so if a student is busy with school all day and they are free in the evening, they can work organizing and setting up events.”
Daren Ackabee is a second-year student in the Social Services Worker program and works at Trafalgar Campus gym.
“Working on campus makes it so much easier for me to juggle school work and a part time job,” he said.
However, working on campus is not ideal for everyone. Jenni Labaj is a first-year Police Foundations student at Davis Campus. She works two part time jobs. She works 20 hours a week as a sales associate at Long Tall Sally in Mississauga and eight hours a week as a key holder at Sugar Mountain in Brampton.
“I have three calendars, one on my phone, on my laptop and on my fridge,” said Labaj.
“I write everything down on all three and fill in my social life after school and work.”
Sheridan offers security jobs for students in Police Foundations who want to get work experience in the field, a job that Labaj could work.
“I’ve considered working on campus, but I like my hectic schedule. It always keeps me active and on the go,” she said.
For students who would like to work on campus, they can check out the Student Union website for job postings for full-time and part-time positions.
“It’s cool that we have a variety of job positions that utilize so many different programs,” said Pulver.
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Tags: Bar-tending, Food Services, Jobs, Studen Union, students