A new plan to expand Sheridan in Mississauga through the Get Creative fundraiser was revealed Oct. 25 at the Hazel McCallion Campus.
Get Creative is a $9 million campaign that will help with expansion of the school in the centre Mississauga to be completed September 2016 according to Sheridan President Jeff Zabudsky.
The fundraiser is a show of talent that students and the Sheridan community have to offer the business world, and people are invited to donate and become a part of the community.
Mississauga Mayor Hazel McCallion joined Zabudsky on stage to help present the Get Creative campaign.
“What a day to end my term as mayor of Mississauga for 36 years,” said McCallion, “I am overwhelmed with the way Sheridan College has progressed.”
McCallion gave a thank you speech for all the hard work put into expanding the school.
“The best investment we can make in this country is education, to give our students the ability to excel in whatever profession they wish to follow, and provide the necessary talent that a business is looking for today,” said McCallion.
Zabudsky thanked McCallion on behalf of the Sheridan community.
“Hazel McCallion was instrumental in bringing Sheridan to Mississauga in 2011, and continues to stay involved with Sheridan as an honorary chair of our Get Creative fundraising campaign,” said Zabudsky.
Phase two of Sheridan’s expansion will be called Pilon School of Business, thanks to Randy Pilon, an alumni and president and CEO of Virox Technologies, a disinfectant company.
Pilon donated $2.5 million to the HMC expansion.
“Sheridan approached me and asked me to join the board of Sheridan and I made it my mission to get a world-class business school to Mississauga, I am fortunate to have my family name on the school.”
- The price of getting creative
- Sheridan tackles problems creatively
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