The new experience of college life can be both intimidating and rewarding for first-year students.
If graduates had an opportunity to write a letter to their first-year self, many of them would have done things differently.
“I would tell myself to work hard”, said Tristan Kay, a 2013 Print Journalism grad.
“If I had known the key to my success was hard work over everything else, I wouldn’t have been so nervous entering my program.”
Tristan now writes for Inside Fitness Magazine.
First-years can be shy, and unfamiliar with the college atmosphere.
“What I would tell my first-year self is to establish relationships with people you can trust and work well with,” said Stephanie Lai, also a 2013 Print Journalism grad.
Stephanie is a former editor at the student paper at Fanshawe College.
Students are with a new group of peers who are all in the same position.
“At first I was afraid to ask questions in fear I’d look stupid,” said Kay.
There are no stupid questions, professors are here to answer every question.
“Once I became comfortable with asking questions, I was able to use the answers, coupled with hard work, to facilitate my success,” said Kay.
Sheridan provides a variety of assistance for students who may feel overwhelmed.
“Student Advisement is ideal, and is there to help students,” said Rob Till, Sheridan’s former Dean of Students.”
“They’re people who you can rely on.”

Many first-years come to Sheridan straight out of high school.
“You are young, and you are doe-eyed, but it’s time for a reality check,” said Megan Tilley, a 2013 Print Journalism grad.
Megan is now a digital content correspondent intern with the Edmonton Oilers.
“Stay focused and don’t get caught up in the luxuries of college because it takes away it takes your attention away from school so easily,” said Jasraj Marwa, a second-year Media Fundamentals student.
The pressure is real, and the workload is demanding.
“It’s time to get your priorities straight and get your academics straight,” said Till.
“Many students get caught up in social distractions, and fall behind.”
Students can become easily stressed, which can lead to struggling in their program.
“Don’t take your program for granted,” said Tilley.
“Work as though this is your full-time job right now, and if you work hard enough, it will benefit you in the long run,” said Tilley.
Till emphasises that Sheridan is designed to prepare students for the future.
“College is a stepping stone towards a career, it’s crucial you give it your all,” said Till.
“Just keep in mind, it’ll all be worth it someday.”
For students in need of direction, Student Advisement is located in room B104.