Travel enthusiasts and campers filled the International Centre over the weekend, exploring different opportunities for fresh-air fun at The Outdoor Adventure Show.

More than 300 exhibitors displayed their gear at the show, offering the latest in camping technology. Innovative tents that doubled as hammocks were a major eye catcher. All eyes were on Muskoka Paddle Shack carpenters as they hand-carved paddles. Travel destinations were showcased by different agencies, and campers were eager to check them out. Canoes, kayaks and scuba gear were all on display for lovers of water sports.
“Ontario has so much to offer for people who spend their time outdoors,” said Hector Macquarrie, a Tourism Ontario spokesperson.
An entire section of the show was dedicated to international travel. Jamaica, Grenada and South Africa were all represented at the show, with spokespeople spreading the word about their countries.
Activities such as white water kayaking and scuba diving sections were popular exhibits.

A 24-foot rock wall was available for children to climb and experience a bird’s eye view of the entire show. A demo pool with an inflatable raft was also set up to give kids a first-hand experience of being in a raft.
“It’s easy to get distracted by technology, and we sometimes forget the beauty of nature which surrounds us,” said Will Gouett, a Sheridan Musical Theatre student,
who spends his summers working with Camp Muskoka.
Among Ontario’s most popular camping destinations is Algonquin Park.
“Tourism plays an important role in Ontario’s economy,” said Macquarrie.
According to the Tourism Industry Association of Ontario, it is the province’s seventh largest industry, and is a major employer.
“Ontario is so unique and there are so many different types of landscapes people can explore,” said Dave Sproule, a national heritage and education specialist.
Ontario Parks is responsible for preserving nature reserves and wilderness parks. These parks are home to wetlands and many of the province’s birds and animals. Falconry was a popular demonstration as falconer Dan Frankian held a European Eagle Owl.
Other Canadian territories were on hand to help fulfill adventurer’s needs. Nunavut had a booth set up featuring its culture.
“Not many people have ever experienced 24 hours of darkness during a Nunavut winter,” said former cabinet minister Ludy Pudluk.
Pudluk explained Nunavut has beauty that not many Canadians are aware of, especially in the summer time. The event will return to Toronto next February 2017.