Category: Sheridan News
FACE IT Club visits Corus
STORY AND PHOTOS BY AMANDA STRAPP Sheridan’s FACE IT Club recently paid a visit to Corus Entertainment Studio in Toronto for a tour. The club got to see the studio, learn how it produces shows, and see employees work day. What is Corus Entertainment? It’s a company that helps several famous networks (some they own,…
Inspiring Creativity in Learning
STORY BY BRITTANY PREOCANIN Creativity is a learned skill; it’s something we are all capable of achieving. That was the message that David Usher shared through an inspiring and musical dialogue at Sheridan’s Creators Conference on Oct. 28. Although Usher’s talk was motivational, the college’s announcement of $100,000 in funding for SRCA (Scholarships, Research and…
Student wins awards for volunteering
STORY BY ERIN QUEENAN It was her first call on the line. She hadn’t known what to expect but it definitely was not this. As a volunteer at the Call Centre Oakville Jane Miroshynkova was supposed to take distress calls and help make them better, but this woman was just yelling at her. “Oh…
Sheridan Creates Conference of Scholars and Creators
Follow the inaugural Conference of Scholars and Creators, Sheridan Creates.
Money Guide
STORY BY BRITTANY PREOCANIN Being a student definitely comes with its perks—the responsibility, life experiences and decision-making, from day one to the day we graduate. We walk through these doors into a chaotic world of classrooms, time management, due date submissions and late night studying. On top of that, students get to look forward to…
E-learning gets more accessible for Ontario college students
STORY BY CHANELLE FAGON-TURNER Ontario’s colleges and universities – using a new web portal – have banded together to bring 13,000 online courses to students. eCampus Ontario, a non-profit collaborative centre, created the website to give post-secondary students more opportunities to access education online. Ontario plans to invest $72 million over five years to support…