Res raises money for breast cancer
Sheridan’s Trafalgar 1 residence held an event for Breast Cancer awareness called Think Pink on March 26.
Residents could get a pink streak in their hair for $5 and for $2 they could get a bracelet, which would go to The Canadian Cancer Society. More than 20 of the residents donated and they raised a total of $65.
The Canadian Cancer Society’s statistics say breast cancer is the most common cancer among Canadian women and it is the second leading cause of death. Their stats about male breast cancer are limited as it is very uncommon.
Based on estimates made in 2007, about one in nine Canadian women are expected to develop breast cancer during her lifetime and one in 29 will die from it.
Becca Dollery, a Social Work student, hosted the event. “I just wanted to run an event to donate to a cause, so I was looking through and I wanted to do something to engage college students.
“This is something I would be interested in running again in the future. Next time I want to focus on getting a nurse.”
Alex Ashton, an Advanced Visual and Creative Arts student, was the one streaking residents’ hair. “My mom does the 60-mile breast cancer walk every year. Breast cancer is a big thing in my life.”
Ashton believes that the event successfully raised awareness. “Everyone is stopping to see the thing with the hair and they are asking ‘What’s with the pink?’ ”
Ashton would like to participate again with this new event, as it is not part of the regular breast cancer month.
“I’d definitely love to have more throughout the year. I love the fact that this event is not in the average breast cancer month, which is usually October.” The month begins October 1 and during this month, there are many events going on to raise awareness.
“This was kind of a random time in the year which is great because it needs to constantly remind people that breast cancer is a serious thing.
“I love dyeing hair and raising breast cancer awareness.”
Heidi Goodie, a graduate who works at the Trafalgar Residence front desk, believes that this event is very important. “A lot of residences don’t do anything like this, especially at big schools.
“I think it’s a great idea. A lot of people are touched by these diseases too which gives them a chance to talk about things and be more open which a lot of people don’t necessarily bring up in conversation otherwise. It gives them an outlet.”