Magical Meatless Tour


Maybe I’m Amazed at the impact meat has on the environment. Sir Paul McCartney, known to the baby boomers as the cute Beatle or genuinely regarded as one of the greatest minds in music history will no longer let it be. Along with his daughters Mary and Stella, the McCartneys launched their campaign “meat free mondays” in 2009. The premise is simple, reduce your meat intake one day a week. Inspired by Pauls late wife the lovely Linda and her passion for vegetarianism. There is a long and winding road of reasons why going meat free may be the best option. Whether you find the pound is sinking in your wallet or you care for the well being of the planet and its fellow inhabitants, meat free Monday is definitely coming up.

Here is a emotional video hosted by Paul McCartney about the inner workings of slaughter houses

Linda McCartney who was a renowned vegetarian talks about her acclaimed cookbook: Linda's Home Cooking

In September 2014 McCarntey released a playful song called "Meat Free Monday" to promote the organization and 
the cause.

For more information or how to get involved visit:

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