Category: News
It’s time to end the university upsell
BRITTANY PREOCANIN Students need to stop being taught the myth that university is the only option for a successful career. It is the teaching style, available opportunities and impact of instructors that provide students with any chance of obtaining a job. The Conference Board of Canada conducted research that suggests the type of institution attended…
Students get schooled in safe party procedures
STORY BY JESSICA ROVEDA PHOTOS BY ELISE MORTON Participation freebies weren’t the only thing that students took away from Sheridan’s health and counselling services’ Wellness Week. Friday’s Sheridan Parties event encouraged personal safety in a social setting, part of a series of informative events that took place from March 16 to 20 across all campuses.…
Meet the new coach of Sheridan’s men’s volleyball
STORY BY MICHAEL MELRO After five very years of rehabilitation and consistency, Dave McAllister, head coach of Sheridan’s men’s volleyball team, handed the reigns over to one of his former star players, Frank Pento. McAllister came to Sheridan in 2010, bringing with him more than two decades of coaching experience. He guided Sheridan back to…
A session with virtual reality
BY COLE WATSON Being a consumer of entertainment, I have read, watched and interacted with all kinds of stories in multiple ways but I experienced a new level of immersion when I put on the virtual reality headset known as the Oculus Rift. With the help of Randall Kapuscinski, A professor involved in Sheridan’s Journalism…
Battle of the Brushes: a Sheridan first
STORY AND PHOTOS BY COLE WATSON On Monday, artists from all ages and programs entered into Sheridan’s first Battle of the Brushes. The event was held as a fundraiser for the upcoming illustration grad show. Eleven artists entered in the three-round competition for bragging rights and a new drawing tablet.
Sheridan holds strobe lit pub on International Epilepsy Awareness Day
STORY BY IAN WAY Sheridan’s Student Union is holding a strobe light pub at Trafalgar’s Marquee next Thursday, which is also International Epilepsy Awareness Day. In addition to not having any kind of SU event recognizing the day, students with epilepsy won’t be able to attend the stop light party, whose theme is includes use…
College’s learning services offers tips for home stretch success
STORY BY JANA GREGORIO With the final weeks of the winter semester approaching, a learning strategist suggests using motivational quotes, forming study groups, and writing goals down as ways students can increase their motivation. “Post your specific goals somewhere where you’re going to see it,” said Janice Galloway, an accessible learning strategist at Sheridan and…
Hoop and Flow Arts Club transforms Marquee into party under the big top
STORY BY ELISE MORTON PHOTOGRAPHY BY ELISE MORTON The Hoop and Flow Arts Club brought the circus to life at the Marquee on Feb. 26, for a fun pub night under the big top. Club members entertained students as they twirled hoops in the air and spun them around different parts of their bodies on…
OSAP to go up with the cost of living
STORY BY OLIVIA LITTLE OSAP has recently made some changes to make education more accessible for students. OSAP funding will go up with the cost of living, with amounts increasing annually starting in the fall. “OSAP will go up to $155 per week for single students and for married students it will go up to…