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Moose Hide campaign aims to stop abuse of women

Moose Hide campaign aims to stop abuse of women

Story and photography by Mehreen Shahid A Métis Textiles student believes it’s time men join the fight to end violence against women and children. Kayla Parisien, 19, last week brought the B.C.-based Moose Hide Campaign to Sheridan’s B-Wing. Accompanied by colleagues, she distributed moose hide pins stamped with the campaign’s logo to men passing by. […]

Sheridan students help build school for aboriginal community

Sheridan students help build school for aboriginal community

STORY BY MEHREEN SHAHID Planks, straw bales, boards, insulation material, windows and doors stuffed in a truck and being hauled more than 2,000 kilometres across Canada sounds like a scene right out of a reality TV show. But it’s more reality than show. Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug is a First Nations community near Big Trout Lake in […]

‘We need to become the educated masses’

‘We need to become the educated masses’

STORY BY CAIT CARTER Although Sheridan has an Aboriginal Initiatives office, much of the college’s community is unaware of its purpose. Sheridan’s Aboriginal Initiatives Office has been created mostly by mandate. Paula Laing heads the Aboriginal Initiatives Office, and helps Aboriginal students transition from their traditional backgrounds into the college’s community. “There are over 100 […]

Oakville pays tribute to missing or murdered aboriginal women

Oakville pays tribute to missing or murdered aboriginal women

STORY BY MADDY SOMMERVILE The air in the garden of Oakville’s St. Jude’s Anglican church hangs heavily. A single voice echoes through the cold air. A crowd of people stands around a gazebo, two speakers are set up and a microphone is open. In everyone’s hands, there is an electric candle and the orange light […]