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Unemployable Ink

Unemployable Ink

BY BRITTANY PREOCANIN An orange shaded octopus is draped across her shoulder, an anatomical heart rests on the left side of her back and a cursive quote streams down her forearm. They are three of 10 tattoos that cover her body. With four of her tattoos visible when she wears a t-shirt, Tara Koskinen is […]

Students battle over space at the Sheridan Art Wall

Students battle over space at the Sheridan Art Wall

STORY BY RACHEL LEE-THOMAS Year after year, art students transform the infamous art wall located next to Sheridan’s Trafalgar campus library. But, in recent years, that same wall has sparked controversy. “Usually the wall is for art students, but there are no set rules for people in other programs,” said first-year art student Gabby Oduro. […]