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Art Exhibit reminds us the importance of Canadian landscape

Art Exhibit reminds us the importance of Canadian landscape

STORY BY MOLLY MUSSELWHITE Artist Gwen MacGregor depicted the contradiction between power plants stationed next to forestry in her video installation at the Deep Woods Visual Arts Exhibit. “It’s probably not a surprise that I’m not a supporter of nuclear power. The legacy of the toxic waste and the danger are costs we can’t afford. […]

Handmade with love, the art of DIY

Handmade with love, the art of DIY

STORY BY BRITTANY MCAULEY & DANA BOYINGTON Over the holidays, our hearts fill with joy but our wallets fill with mothballs. These innovative few went from concept to commerce with their do-it-yourself creations. Ruth Steinback brightling works Ruth Steinback goes by brightling or brightling works online where she sells her homemade jewellery, which she began […]

Made by hand, made with love

Made by hand, made with love

STORY BY MATTHEW LOWE Made by hand. There’s a more authentic feeling while crafting pendants, quilts, blankets and plushies than a manufacturing line could ever hope to achieve, says Jacqueline Hunter. At the Christmas Made by Hand show at the Hamilton Convention Centre on Saturday, dozens of visitors shopped for gifts. “There are over 100 […]