Textbook Prices on the Rise
INFOGRAPHIC BY KIRAN R. KHAN When buying, selling or renting textbooks, students can save upto 80% on the price of the textbook. Comparing the textbook prices in the bookstore to those found at Amazon, Kijiji, Indigo, etc., students are offered the minimal affordable price keeping the budget in mind.
Does the bookstore allow students to carry their bags or not?
STORY BY AMANDA SPILKER The signs at the Sheridan bookstore bag drop may be confusing student shoppers. The front of the college’s bookstore is only manned by security the first week of September when the traffic is at its highest. But it is required that all student bags be left at the front door when […]
Raising awareness for diabetes
STORY BY MELISSA GERVAIS November is diabetes awareness month. Reaching out to colleges for the first time, representatives from the Halton Diabetes Program will be providing a free interactive information booth in the Trafalgar Campus’ B Wing on Nov. 7 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., and from 4 to 6 p.m. Students and staff […]