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Sheridan offers many ways to turn diploma into degree

Sheridan offers many ways to turn diploma into degree

BY KEVIN SACDALAN Although Sheridan currently has no plans for any new joint programs with universities, lots of opportunities exist for turning a diploma into a degree. Despite not having any joint programs under development, according to Dr. Mary Preece, Sheridan’s Provost and Vice-President Academic, “if new program ideas surface, that would serve our student […]

New way to pay for food at Trafalgar

New way to pay for food at Trafalgar

BY QUIN VERTOLLI Chartwells has introduced a new centralized payment method at Trafalgar Campus at the beginning of this semester aiming to improve its efficiency.    Using the new payment system, students will line up at cash registers in the middle of the cafeteria. In theory this will speed up wait times and free up […]

Ontario takes steps to help first responders with PTSD

Ontario takes steps to help first responders with PTSD

BY JASMINE ANTHONY AND ERIN QUEENAN A new bill was passed last week by the Ontario government to enable first-responders with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) to acquire faster mental-health treatment. What this means, is after decades of needing to prove their PTSD was work-related, first-responders– such as police officers, firefighters, and paramedics– in Ontario will no […]

Flynn calls free tuition ‘ingenious’ at Sheridan announcement

Flynn calls free tuition ‘ingenious’ at Sheridan announcement

BY JASMINE ANTHONY MPP Kevin Flynn held a session at Sheridan’s Trafalgar Campus on March 15 to announce the new Ontario Student Grant, which was released as part of the recent 2016 provincial budget. In front of an audience of about 30 faculty members, students and media, Flynn and Sheridan President Jeff Zabudsky shared pride […]

Young go-getters are growing under the wing of Lab•B

Young go-getters are growing under the wing of Lab•B

BY MARIELLE MANGANAAN A growing community of creative freelancers and entrepreneurs find their home in a small Brampton space. The “shared workspace for the creative economy” inside The Mill on Queen St. E., Lab•B, is free and open during the week from 9 a.m. to 6 a.m. for people to come and have their artistic […]

Just a spoonful of sugar: How many do you down in a day?

Just a spoonful of sugar: How many do you down in a day?

BY COURTNEY BLOK Waking up and having a coffee every day is part of many people’s routines, but what about  eating a lot of teaspoons of sugar first thing in the morning? A Statistics Canada report on sugar consumption found that one in every five calories that Canadians consume comes from sugar. The 2004 report […]

Helping international students cope at college

Helping international students cope at college

BY ROSS ANDERSEN The everyday routine a domestic student experiences, can be quite a challenge for international students. Moving to an unfamiliar country and adjusting to a different culture is something most Canadians have never endured. “The hardest part for me is letting go of my old life, and beginning a new one,” said Nikolina […]

Hello, Decembeard!

BY MARIELLE MANGANAAN Long hair, don’t care. The motto no longer applies exclusively to the ladies now, but for the gentlemen as well. With trends of cowlicks, man buns, moustaches and beards going on the rise within the last couple of years, Sheridan Sun decided to step out and met six men who are comfortably […]

Zabudsky outlines final hurdles for Sheridan U

Zabudsky outlines final hurdles for Sheridan U

STORY BY JASMINE ANTHONY If you were to hop in your DeLorean and take a trip to 2020, you might very well end up at Sheridan University. If all goes as planned, that will be the name that shows up on future diplomas, degrees and certificates of Sheridan grads. In a town hall meeting at […]

An Era of Rap

An Era of Rap

BY MARIELLE MANGANAAN Rap music has come a long way to be dominating in the music industry today. In over a decade, it has risen through years of ridicule and controversy to now stand at the forefront of pop culture in fashion, social media, and sports. With its hard-hitting beats and lyrics that confront sensitive personal and social […]

First step taken in ending bus pass vs shuttle debate

First step taken in ending bus pass vs shuttle debate

STORY BY ERIN QUEENAN AND MIKE MELRO Sheridan College and the Student Union are conducting an email survey about student transit, a topic that’s been on the discussion table for eight years. Launched last week, the survey aims to better understand student transit preferences and consider “solutions to the shuttle bus capacity challenges,” according to […]

Mo Moustache

Mo Moustache

STORY BY ROSS ANDERSEN Across campus, students are putting down the razor and growing moustaches. The Movember movement is underway, and students are ready to participate. During moustache month men around the world raise money for men’s health research. “It’s a way for men to support a cause, similarly as women would for breast cancer,” […]

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